Self-Defense: Use of Deadly Force in the Home

Recently, a Multnomah County grand jury declined to indict a mother who shot and killed a stranger whom she discovered in her child’s bedroom. This terrifying situation brought Oregon’s laws regarding the use of deadly force to the forefront. As an expert in the area, KATU news reached out for my analysis as an experienced Portland criminal defense attorney. Prior to the grand jury decision, I expressed skepticism that charges would be brought. As I noted in the story, a person is allowed to defend themselves with the use of deadly force in Oregon when they believe that someone is committing a burglary in their home.  Turns out that analysis was correct. Although tragic, the actions taken by this terrified mom to protect her kids were not criminal. If you are charged with a crime that involves the use of force – deadly or otherwise – you should call my office and consult with an experienced Portland criminal defense attorney today.  See the full interview here.

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